On Wednesday 2nd November (6pm until approximately 7:30pm) we will be holding a maths evening for parents and carers of children from Reception to Year 6. The evening is intended for parents/carers only and it is not expected that children will be present on this occasion.
Your continued role in helping your child with their mathematical knowledge and understanding in calculation is very important and we value the support that you give. Learning to add, subtract, multiply and divide can be complex and children learn in different ways. At the maths evening we will explain the different approaches used, appropriate to the different levels of ability and age groups. The meeting is an ideal opportunity for you to ask questions and understand calculation based progression at Crayke.
Please send an email to admin@crayke.n-yorks.sch.uk to confirm your attendance. Alternatively, you could contact the school office, Mrs. Bacon is available on 01347 821767.