Tel. 01347 821767

School Council’s Autumn Sale – Friday 20th October


 Dear Parents/Carers,We would like to invite you to our ‘Autumn Sale’ that will be run by the school councillors after school on Friday 20th October (the last day of the half term,) in the gazebo. There will be toffee apples, autumnal cakes, biscuits and buns on sale, as well as reflective snap-wristbands for walking home on those darker evenings.

We are hoping to raise lots of money for Suamy, a girl who our school sponsors through World Vision, who lives in Uganda. Any additional money raised will be put towards funding new reading books for our school.

Please could parents, carers, grandparents, neighbours and anyone else willing, bake autumn inspired cakes, buns, biscuits and most of all toffee apples and bring them into school on Friday 20th October (no earlier, please,) to be sold straight after school.

Thank you!

School Councillors Pia and Elizabeth, on behalf of all of School Council