Tel. 01347 821767

Scheduled Absence from School of Mr. Buttery

Dear Parents/Carers, I am writing to inform you that on Friday 18th October, I am scheduled to undergo minor surgery.  I am hopeful that I will be sufficiently recovered to return to work by the middle part of the following week.

The aforementioned will result in the rescheduling of Runners for Runners (sporty non-uniform day).  This fundraiser will now take place on Thursday 24th October.  Please see the information below from our School Council regarding the event:

In association with St. Cuthbert’s Church, members of the School Council have planned a fun and fantastic non-uniform sports day. Everyone will run eight laps around the field or sixteen laps of the playground (don’t worry you can walk if you want). You can wear anything sporty, from football kit to P.E kit – as long as you can run in it. Children can were their sporty clothes all day.
The pews at Church can get quite uncomfortable; as a result we are hoping to raise money for pew covers (also known as runners). This is why we will ask for a suggested donation of £1 to buy runners for our Church.
This event will take place on Thursday 24th of October on the school field, unless the field is soaking wet, if this is the case, we will run on the playground.

Should you need to contact me prior to my return to school I will be available via email (  As always, your continued support is greatly appreciated.

Kind regards,

Mr. Andrew Buttery