Dear Parents/Carers,
Despite the news from the DfE yesterday, we will not be calling an INSET day next Friday. As planned, we will stay open on Friday 18th December, with Monday 4th January being an INSET day and the children returning to school on Tuesday 5th January. I have spoken with all of the local Headteachers, who are also all remaining open next Friday.
Contrary to what the media is reporting, this is not an additional day off. It would be instead of an INSET day in 2021, all of which have already have agendas arranged and training booked in advance. The reason behind the Government’s announcement at this very late stage is so that Headteachers do not need to contact Test & Trace on Christmas Eve should there be a positive case from school reported.
We have attached the details we have received from the DfE regarding what to do should your child receive a positive test after school closes, as this may impact those children and staff who have come in contact with the individual in school, and may require them to self-isolate over the Christmas period. Please click on this weblink for further information: DfE End of term guidance 08-12-2020
We are grateful for all your efforts in maintaining social distancing and we are all very much aware of the need to remain vigilant until the end of term, so we can safeguard as much as possible the opportunity to be with loved ones over Christmas.
Next week, we have some lovely festive activities planned which we are all looking forward to, so please be reassured Christmas is very much happening in school!
Kind regards,