Good afternoon,
Welcome to the academic year to all of our families, both existing and new! We have a record 19 new children joining us tomorrow for their first day at Crayke Primary and I know that our whole school community will help them settle quickly.
Further information will be shared in this week’s newsletter, including diary dates for the year ahead, so for now, just a few key reminders.
The school gates will be open at 8:50am tomorrow morning and will be closed promptly at 9:00am. The school day finishes at 3:30pm.
The school lunch menu is available here:
Running club will resume from next week so please don’t try to come to school for it this week!
Jigsaws Before and After School Club opens its doors tomorrow at 7:30am and will be open until 6pm every day – please book via ParentPay.
After school clubs can also be booked via ParentPay and resume this week, unless they are run by an external provider (Multi Sports/Music/Football) which resume next week.
PE kits are required on the following days:
Apple Class (Reception) – bring forest school kit into school on Monday; bring PE kit to change into at school on Friday.
Beech Class (Year 1/2) – come to school wearing PE kits on Thursday and Friday.
Holly Class (Year 3/4) – come to school wearing PE kits on Tuesday and Friday.
Oak Class (Year 5/6) – come to school wearing PE kits on Tuesday (starting next week) and Friday.
We can’t wait to see everyone tomorrow!
Mrs Jackson and Team Crayke