Just a quick reminder and also to inform new parents of the system for parking in the layby. There are three lanes in the layby. The lane nearest to the main road and the shrub border, together with the middle lane, is for staff and visitor parking. The third lane nearest to the pavement is allocated for parents to drive through, drop their children off without getting out of the car and then proceeding on. If parents have very young children in baby carriers, etc., then it is possible for them to park in the middle lane. For all other parents who wish to park their car, come into the playground and stay for a period of time, parking is available at the sports hall. If parents choose to park on the roadside, please do remember your highway code and be considerate to residents living opposite the school.
Could I also please request that parents do not allow their children to run around the staff parking area, the greenhouse or the shed into the garden for health and safety reasons. Thank you.