Tel. 01347 821767


Parents are responsible for ensuring that their children attend school regularly and on time.
This is a legal requirement.

Our whole school attendance strategy can be found here: Whole School Attendance Strategy 2023

We strive for high levels of attendance at school.  Please try, wherever possible, to book holidays out of term time.  The impact of even one day’s absence on your child’s learning is huge.  Also, please try to book medical appointments out of school hours if possible as this also minimises the time missed.  If your child is very unwell and unable to attend school, please inform the office by phoning 01347 821767 no later than 9:15am. Thank you for your support with this important matter.

Why is it important for children not to miss school?

All parents want the best for their children and for them to get on well in life. Having a good education is important to ensure that they have the best opportunities in their adult life. They only get one chance at school, and your child’s future may be affected by not attending school or alternative provision regularly.

If children do not attend school regularly they may:

  • Struggle to keep up with school work. In a busy school day, it can be difficult for schools to find the extra time to help a child catch up.
  • Miss out on the social side of school life. Poor attendance can affect children’s ability to make and keep friendships; a vital part of growing up.

Setting good attendance patterns from an early age, from nursery through primary school will also help your child later on in their life. Children who have a poor school attendance record may have less chance of securing a job when they are adults. Being on time is also vital. Arriving late at school can be very disruptive for your child, their teacher and the other children in the class. Some parents may be finding it difficult to ensure that their child attends school regularly. If this is the case please speak to Mrs Jackson as soon as possible so that the situation can be addressed.

The world is run by those who turn up.

  Make every minute count!

It can be tricky deciding whether or not to keep your child off school, nursery or playgroup when they’re unwell.

There are government guidelines for schools and nurseries about managing specific infectious diseases at GOV.UK. These say when children should be kept off school and when they shouldn’t.

If your child is well enough to go to school but has an infection that could be passed on, such as a cold sore or head lice, let their teacher know.