Tel. 01347 821767

Holly Class (Year 3/4)

What is life like in Holly Class?

  • “Holly class is sensational because all teachers and pupils make it such a lovely place to learn. We have our school values which are determination, respect, friendship and forgiveness. We also have stars of the week and headteachers award, which links to our values. On Thursdays and Fridays, we have P.E which includes orienteering and rounders. First thing on Friday morning we have a spelling test which we normally practise in the week. We have amazing after school clubs where we can explore lots of different interests.”

    Dylan and Percy
  • “Holly class is AMAZING, everyone is kind and thoughtful. The teachers make the lessons wonderful and every Friday we do P.E, it’s so fun! Every half term we have a different topic and they are really interesting to learn about. Playtimes are so fun in the summer we are allowed on the field and the view is stunning from the top playground. We have Times Table Rockstars which helps with your times tables. Holly class has inspiration quotes: ‘YES YOU CAN,’ ‘BEE HAPPY,’ ‘YOU CAN DO AMAZING THINGS’ that are really important to us.” 

    Joah and Asa
  • “Holly class is awesome and our teachers are always there to help. Our favourite lesson is when we go on the iPads and laptops to do times table rock stars. We all love this school and have amazing friends to play with. We all love doing art. We feel creative and safe in Crayke school. Crayke is a fun, caring and kind school.” 

    Nancy and Brooke
    Year 6
  • “Holly class is such a wonderful class.  We are so lucky to have amazing teachers because they help you whenever you need them. Everybody has amazing friends and we have 5 people who are a helping hand (people we can go to for help). We have wonderful people in our school.” 

    Sienna and Felicity
  • “Holly class is an exquisite place to be. I love mathematics because there are tonnes of fun and challenging questions. All of the teachers are really lovely and will help you if you are struggling or need help. The most important part is our amazing school values, they are determination, friendship, respect and forgiveness.” 

    Toby and Oskar



Teacher – Mrs Seligman (Monday) and Mrs Chandler (Tuesday – Friday)

Teaching Assistant – Miss Ford and Miss Clarke (1:)

Curriculum Trees 2024/2025



Links to each class home learning page can be found here: (Children need to be logged in to access their class page)




Year 4 MTC

Information about the Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check for parents and carers can be found here: 2024_Information_for_parents_Multiplication_tables_check_PDFA_v1.1

Spellings – Summer Term