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School Council


Miss Walker leads the School Council at Crayke Church of England Primary School.  The School Council is made up of children from each Class (from Years 1 to 6). The children are elected by their class to represent them in decisions made on matters relating to our school.  The elections take place in the Autumn Term.

The role of the School Council is to support Governors, staff, parents and pupils to improve aspects of our school.

Message from Miss Walker, School Council Leader:
School Council meet on a Tuesday lunchtime. We explore and discuss a wide range of topics and encourage the children to bring their own ideas to each meeting. Each child is able to contribute what is important to them and work together to make our school a lovely place.
Last year the School Council have had a special focus on Anti-Bullying. We explored what we as a school already do to combat bullying and what else the children feel we should do. The School Council worked together to draft our own Anti-Bullying policy. We then began exploring how we can celebrate our differences as a school. After much discussion, School Council decided they wanted to put on a talent show! Crayke’s Greatest Show was born and was a raging success – we’re already looking forward to the next one.
This year, we were set the task of looking at the Team Points system in school – to think about how we can make them more meaningful and to further develop our sense of “team”.  Here is the outcome of our work in this area (click on the image to find out more)!

School Council representatives were also asked to carry out a site tour in February 2024, identifying areas where they felt safe or less safe and reasons why.  Staff and governors reviewed their report and agreed some actions as a result.  The full report is available in school – here is a summary created by the Y5/6 councillors.

School Council Representatives 2023/2024

Year Group Representatives
Reception – represented by Y5 Joah
Year 1 Pippa and Constance
Year 2 Gem and Isla
Year 3 India and Eva
Year 4 Isla and Dexter
Year 5 Felicity and Zhdan
Year 6 Toby and Sienna

Code of Conduct for School Council Meetings

Show respect – Be prepared to listen to what others have to say.

Have an open mind – Be prepared to change your mind once you have listened to the ideas of your classmates and the school council.

What will help our learning? – Whenever you discuss anything and share ideas, remember to think about how we can make our learning better and make sure children feel happy and safe in school.

Share ideas with your class – Share your discussions with your classmates.  Remember, this is a way to help children have a voice in shaping the future at Crayke.