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This page provides details about what Maths looks like at Crayke Primary. It includes our Intent Statement, our coverage and progression document and our “jigsaw” explaining how teaching and learning in Maths links to our four core values of Friendship, Forgiveness, Respect and Determination.

The Maths Subject Leader is: Mrs Jackson.

Details relating to Coverage and Progression in this subject can be found here:

We use White Rose Maths as the basis of our mathematics curriculum: White Rose Scheme of Learning

Long term plan Reception




Maths Vocabulary Progression EYFS – Y6


WRM calculation policy 2024 All year groups

Maths NC Programme of Study

Ensuring access to a rich, broad and balanced curriculum, based upon and framed by our school values of Respect, Determination, Friendship and Forgiveness, is at the heart of Crayke’s provision…


The fundamental aim of Crayke Church of England Primary School is to provide opportunities for children to develop as independent, confident, successful learners with high aspirations; creating citizens of the future who know how to make a positive contribution to their community and the wider society. This aligns with our school vision which strives to enable children to “Follow your pathway and grow together with confidence.”


Mathematics intent:

Being a Crayke Mathematician, supported by the National Curriculum for Maths aims to ensure that all children:

  • Become fluent in the fundamentals of Mathematics
  • Are able to reason mathematically
  • Can solve problems by applying their Mathematics

The intent of our mathematics curriculum is to be accessible to all and will maximise the development of every child’s ability and academic achievement. We deliver lessons that are creative, engaging and with appropriate challenge and support. We intend for our pupils to be able to apply their mathematical knowledge to science and other subjects, becoming confident mathematicians who know that maths is essential to everyday life.

Meeting National Curriculum requirements, we deliver a rich, broad and balanced curriculum. Crayke engages all learning styles using a variety of resources which support the teaching of the curriculum. The wider learning culture is promoted through our school values of ‘Determination, Respect, Friendship and Forgiveness’ and through a culture of our aspirational ‘Crayke Growth Mindset’.

Staff use White Rose Maths Curriculum to follow a sequential series of lessons/activities based on pupil’s prior learning and next steps.


  • Practical based curriculum with active learning at his heart.
  • Pupils are taught individually, in small groups and as a class.
  • Activities include both directed and non-directed learning.
  • Pupils have access to mathematical equipment at all times for them to use in their play, both inside and outside the classroom.
  • Maths activities are set as part of a half-termly homework grid.
  • Karen Wilding challenges are used where appropriate.


  • There is clear transition between EYFS and the KS1 maths curriculum, enabling opportunities for continued practical based learning moving towards more formal written methods (see calculation policy)
  • Pupils are taught in small groups, as year groups and as a class.
  • Pupils have access to a range of practical mathematical resources that can be accessed independently or when directed.
  • Maths homework can be set as part of a range of weekly homework tasks on Google Classroom.
  • Year 2 children have access to Times Tables Rockstars (starting Autumn 2)

Lower KS2:

  • Pupils are taught in small groups, as year groups and as a class.
  • Practical mathematical resources available as required, but formal calculation methods are developed at this stage.
  • Maths homework can be set as part of a range of weekly homework tasks on Google Classroom.
  • Weekly times tables test -55 club
  • TT Rockstars is used regularly throughout the week to ensure pupils get used to typing answers for the MTC.

Upper KS2:

  • Pupils are taught in small groups, as year groups and as a class.
  • Maths homework can be set as part of a range of weekly homework tasks on Google Classroom.
  • Daily ‘Tough Ten’ based on previous teaching.
  • Regular times tables challenges.
  • Access to Times Tables Rockstars

Maths impact:

Impact will be measured by assessing against the National Curriculum Age-Related Expectations statements through ‘Insight pupil tracking’ at termly intervals as:


Just Below

On Track

Greater Depth

Also, a standardised score from termly NFER tests will help inform the termly teacher judgements.

Pupils will sit statutory assessments in Mathematics at the end of KS2. Pupils in Year 4 will sit the Multiplication Tables Check.

Crayke Mathematicians will be able to demonstrate the essential characteristics of Maths detailed in the Intent section above.

They will successfully be able to:

  • Know and use numbers
  • Add and subtract
  • Multiply and divide
  • Use fractions
  • Understand the properties of shapes
  • Describe position, direction and movement
  • Use measures
  • Use statistics
  • Use algebra