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Shed Monitors

Our Shed Team is a group of forward-thinking, dynamic Year 4 pupils who have big ideas about how to make playtimes brilliant at Crayke Primary.  They keep an eye on the shed and make sure that everything is in order – I can confirm that it is the tidiest shed in North Yorkshire, if not the world.

We meet regularly to discuss what is going well at playtimes and lunchtimes and the Shed Team have been instrumental in gathering pupil feedback about playtimes.  They have made a request for some new equipment for the shed and enjoyed a visit to another local primary school to see how they organise their playtimes and play equipment.  Our next project is to apply for some funds to make their dreams a reality!

UPDATE: The Shed Team were given a special task to show how much they wanted the funds… a Dragon’s Den style pitch to CHASA representatives!  Their speech was so good that we have reproduced it for you here:

At Crayke School we have three playtimes.  We want people to enjoy our breaks and not spend time inside. That’s why we would like you, CHASA, to give us some money to spend on equipment and storage.  It would be a great investment for this school and it would help pupils to enjoy our break times more.

We would like some money towards equipment which can be used by the pupils of Crayke. This is a list of the stuff we would like:

  • hockey sticks, giant Connect 4, giant Jenga, plastic balls, storage boxes and reflective cones

We would also like to purchase a score board and a time table planner.

We really want to set up lunchtime clubs for everyone.

We have linked our school values to our pitch as follows:

Respect: If we get this money it will help us to respect our equipment and respect each other. It will help us to be kind and enjoy our break times.

Friendship: If we get the money it would help people to come together and play nicely.

Determination: We are determined to make our playtimes a better place and we are determined to make our students safe and sound.

Forgiveness: The equipment will help us to forgive each other because we will be nice and calm and in a good mood after a good break.

Our Pupil Ambassador Alice also passed on a good luck message to the team, wishing them luck in their presentation and congratulating them on the amazing job that they are doing.

The CHASA representatives were blown away with the quality of the presentation as well as the team work and support that they demonstrated throughout the pitch and I am delighted to confirm that they have agreed to fund the above resources! Well done team and thank you CHASA!