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Class 3 homework


Date 19th April

This term we are going to put a ‘post’ onto our class page every Friday with our homework.




This half term everyone in Class 3 will be expected to go on Sumdog for a minimum of 10 minutes 5 days a week. We have talked about this in class and think that this is a reasonable expectation and it will help us with our mental maths work.

We know that Mrs Brown can check if we have kept our deal.


 Times tables – this half term we are really working hard on instant recall of times tables facts. Mrs Brown expects us to answer a times table question faster than it would take to click our fingers. We need to practice this at home regularly


This week:


Y3 – x2 tables


Y4 – x2 and x5




Spellings this week look at changing ‘tense’


Next Friday Mrs Brown will read a sentence and we have to write the past tense of the verb.( ie eat / ate)


We just write the verb not the sentence