Dear Parent or Carer
Mrs Brown has kindly agreed to host a meeting at Crayke Primary School on Monday 1st July from 6.45 – 7.45 p.m. for parents and children who are interested in Easingwold School. This will be an opportunity for me and our Head Teacher, Mr Benaiges, to meet parents and children and enable them to ask any questions they might have about the school.
The format of the meeting will be question and answer rather than a formal presentation. We hope to have with us some pupils, who joined us this academic year from Easingwold School, to help us to answer your questions and provide a different perspective on the school.
Parents and their children from any year group are welcome, although the event is likely to be of most use to those in Year 5 or Y4. It will be very similar to the meeting we held at Crayke School in October; if you attended that one you would of course be very welcome to this meeting but might find we go over the same ground.
I look forward to meeting you.
John Butcher
Transition manager
Easingwold Secondary School
Yours sincerely