Tel. 01347 821767

Welcome back the new term!













All PE kit – including trainers must be kept in PE bags

*ALL uniform  and PE kit must be named

*There should be NO electronic gadgets or mobile phones should be brought to school – this is not only for insurance purposes but gadgets with internet access are not covered under our internet safety policy. No child should ever need to bring a phone to school and we will confiscate any gadget that is found, requesting that parents call into school to collect it.

*No children should be bringing Satchels or large school bags –  school policy is that no pencil cases will be brought to school ( there is no need as we provide all the stationary material that the children require) and so therefore there is nothing that the children require to bring in a bag other than a book which can be transported in a book bag.

*All children will need is a PE bag and a school book bag – this will considerably reduce problems in the cloakroom and provide uniformity across the whole school. I am aware that Judo kit will be brought on Wednesdays which can be hung on the pegs in the cloakroom.

*Please remember that I am unable to authorise any leave of absence regarding Holidays in Term Time other than for exceptional circumstances as defined by the Secretary of State for Education:

-service personnel returning from active deployment

Where inflexibility of the parents’ leave or working arrangement is part of the organisational or company policy. This would need to be evidenced by the production or confirmation from the organisation/company

-Where leave is recommended as part of a parents’ or child’s rehabilitation from medical or emotional problems. Evidence must be provided.

-When a family needs to spend time together to support each other during or after a crisis

*There will be NO after school clubs this week. Multi sports for Y1,2,3 starts on Tuesday 10th, Football for Y4,5,6 starts on Monday 16th and music lessons provided by North Yorkshire commence week beg 9th Sept


And lastly……..we think there may be a wasp nest at the top corner of the lay-by by the start of the footpath so please be aware.


Look forward to seeing you all tomorrow.