Dear Parents and Carers,
We want to strike a balance between keeping the core weekly homework that we set for the children and giving them an element of choice by suggesting a range of more practical activities, often related to the class topic, which we hope will extend and enrich their learning. The teachers have drawn up a grid of challenges for each year group from Class 1 onwards, which they will be sending out together with a homework book for each child to record what they have done. I know that when staff have set projects in the past the children have produced some amazingly good work and so I have high expectations that the homework books will be something that they can be proud of and that we can celebrate in school. I am certainly looking forward to seeing what the children can do. Please note however that this is meant to be something that the children do, so do give them help and support, but don’t do the homework for them.
If the activity is a purely practical one we would love to see pictures in the book of the children doing it, or if that isn’t possible, a note from you to indicate that they have completed the activity.
I am hoping as well as making homework more enjoyable, the grid of challenges will also make you more aware of what your child is learning about in school.
I have outlined the homework for each year group below. If you have any questions about it, please come and talk to myself or to your child’s teacher. The shaded boxes contain essential homework to be completed over the half term. The remaining non-shaded boxes are optional activities.
Reception children – sounds to practice from sound book, learning to read single words, phrases and books, being read to by family & friends, choose 1 activity from the new sheet.
YEAR 1 – Reading each night, weekly spellings to learn, choose 1 activity each week from the new sheet.
YEAR 2 – Reading each day, weekly spellings to learn, choose 1 activity each week from the new sheet.
YEAR 3 – Reading each day (10 – 15 minutes), weekly number bonds or times tables practice, weekly spellings, choose one activity from the new sheet each week
YEAR 4 – Reading each day (15 – 20 minutes), weekly spellings, multiplication tables, choose 1 activity each week from the new sheet
YEAR 5 – Reading each day (20 – 25 minutes) weekly spellings, multiplication tables, maths activity, choose 1 activity each week from the new sheet
YEAR 6 – Reading each day (25 – 30 minutes), weekly spellings, multiplication tables, maths activity, choose 1 activity each week from the new sheet.
Reading has always been the key activity in our homework policy and I cannot stress how vital it is that children continue to practice their reading at home whether they are in the Reception class or in Year 6. It really is the most important thing that you can do to help your child because so much depends on this skill and we greatly appreciate the time that parents spend reading to and with their child.
Later this term we will be seeking your feedback on how you think the new homework sheets are going. The staff would also be delighted to receive suggestions for practical items that could be included on the homework sheet for each age group – unfortunately they have so far vetoed my suggestion of including “Cleaning and polishing the headteacher’s car”!
Finally please do not feel that you have to do all of the activities on the grid – we hope there is sufficient choice for you to sit down with your child and select something that you will both enjoy.
The first homework challenges will appear on the school website on Friday 12th September.
Yours sincerely,
Andrew Buttery