With the Nativity play being performed next week, we thought it was a good time to raise awareness of the issue of photos and videos being taken at such events. As you will be aware, the school has an Images & Photos Policy, which all parents complete when their child starts school, which states:
Photographs and Images: Increasingly, developments in technology are making it easier to use pictures and images in printed materials and on the internet. We take the issue of child safety very seriously and will not use images of children without prior consent from parents.
Videos: Although there is no difference in the principle of use of electronic images on a website and use in a video, some parents may have concerns about other individuals videoing their child while participating in school activities. Therefore, it is proposed that consent should be asked from all parents. If any parent does not give consent, then that activity may not be videoed.
In view of the production next week, would parents please let Mrs. Cotterill know (by email or personally – admin@crayke.n-yorks.sch.uk) if they are not happy for their child to be photographed or videoed in this instance, so that we are able to keep our records accurate.