Dear Parents / Carers,
Whole School Visit to the Yorkshire Wildlife Park
On Friday, 19th June, the whole school will be visiting the Yorkshire Wildlife Park near Doncaster. The day will be split into two sessions comprising of a tour of the park and an educational workshop (Aren’t Animals Amazing).
We will travel by coach, leaving school at 8.30am and returning back for approx. 4.00pm, when children will be taken back into school where parents will collect them. Children should wear their school uniform as this makes them easier to identify. The park is primarily an outdoor facility; consequently the children will need to bring appropriate clothing for the weather. A waterproof coat or sun cream could be required.
As you are aware, there will be no cost for this visit. Each child will need a snack (to be eaten on arrival at the park) and a packed lunch (no fizzy drinks or glass bottles, please). The children should have a suitable bag to carry their lunch in throughout the visit.
Please email Mrs. Cotterill with permission for your child to take part in the visit.
Fingers crossed for lovely weather for our grand day out!