The dinner money amounts for this half-term are detailed below. These are different for both Class 3 and 4 and individual year groups, due to residential visits and transition days. As usual, cheques should be made payable to NYCC.
Year 6 £60.90 (for those pupils attending the Easingwold School transition days 4-6th July)
Year 6 £65.10 (for those pupils attending the Ryedale School transition days on 15th June and 8th July)
Year 6 £67.20 (for those pupils not moving up to Easingwold school or Ryedale school)
Year 5 £58.80
Year 5 £56.70 (for those pupils attending the St Olaves event on 8th June)
Year 4 £69.30
Year 4 £67.20 (for those pupils attending the St Olaves event on 8th June)
Year 3 £69.30
If there are any credits from this half term, parents will be notified by individual emails.