As I’m sure your children will have informed you, we held our first Growth Mindset Day today.
The children worked in mixed age groups (Year 3 to Year 6) and were presented with the following challenge:
Mission Possible-but Challenging!
Your mission, which you must accept, is to build a bridge. The bridge will be judged as follows:
1. It must be able to withstand a 1 Kg weight being placed on the central point of the bridge. The bridge must remain undamaged.
2. The bridge must span a gap of at least thirty centimetres.
3. The bridge must be able to withstand a 15 second blast of air.
4. The competition entry forms must be completed to the judge’s satisfaction.
Did we forget to mention, that you must construct your bridge using only: A4 paper (two sheets), sellotape (to fix together joints) and art straws.
The children displayed a plethora of valuable Growth Mindset strategies including learning from their setbacks, working effectively with their peers and embracing challenge.
Well done to the winning team…