As you may know, there is an after school Martial Arts Club held on a Thursday from 3.30pm – 4.30pm. This club is run by qualified instructor – Tracy Wood from Ai Martial Arts.
Tracy has provided us with a list of features and benefits of children doing Martial Arts training that you might be interested in reading –
- It increases confidence and can prevent bullying
- It teaches discipline, self-control and respect
- It provides cardio fitness and increases flexibility
- The skills taught are transferable to other contact sports, such as rugby
- The safety falls taught can be used in accident situations to prevent serious injuries and broken bones
- It teaches children about aspects of Japanese culture
- Judo isn’t about strength, if a technique is done correctly, even the smallest person can use it on someone considerably larger (as demonstrated last week, when one child from Crayke school ‘threw’ the instructor)
- The lesson is split into 3 parts, the first is learning to fall safely, the second is used learning the throws and holds that the students will be graded on each term, and lastly they play games that improve speed, self-control, balance and the skills needed for the current throws/holds
- There are competitions each term that the students can enter to represent the school
- Students are graded each term to potentially go up a belt and hopefully one day become a black belt
- The GI (outfit) can be bought through the instructor, but there is no rush, normal sports kit is fine.
The cost is £65 per term, but if anyone would like to join now, they will charge £30 from half-term to Christmas.
Your child/ren can attend a one-off free class to see if they like Martial Arts prior to half term – please contact Mrs Bacon, if you would like to arrange this.