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Class 2 Art and DT: 3D Castles – 5th October

Mrs Walsh sent out a post last week asking parents/carers of children in Class 2 to start collecting small cardboard boxes and tubes at home in preparation for making 3D Castles (original post pasted below).

Please note that these are not required in school until Thursday 5th October and it would be appreciated if they are not brought into school before then due to storage restrictions.

Many thanks.


During the latter part of this half term Class 2 will be making their own 3D castles from various small cardboard boxes, tubes and recyclable materials.  It would be really helpful if you could start to save small cardboard boxes and tubes at home.

Toothpaste boxes or kitchen roll tubes make ideal towers but unfortunately we cannot use toilet roll tubes.  Boxes no bigger than a small shoe box or a small cereal box are suitable sizes.  Tea bag, biscuit and cracker boxes and ‘Pringle’ type tubes are also useful along with any smaller boxes you may have.

Many thanks,

Mrs Walsh