In the morning, the road/layby outside of school is often very congested; we encourage parents/carers to park in an appropriate and safe manner (following the guidelines issued).
Your child is allowed on site from 8.50am and we respectfully ask you not to drop your child at school any earlier, as staff are not officially on duty until then.
The gate at the side of the gazebo is opened at 8.50am and children are then allowed onto the site.
The gate entrance to the school is closed and locked at 9am. Any child arriving after the gate is closed must make their way into school via the main entrance.
Any child who arrives after registration should come through the main school entrance so their attendance can be recorded by Mrs. Bacon.
If you know you are going to be late or if your child is not going to attend school please contact the school office. We have an answer machine so you can leave a message, telling us the name and class of your child and the reason why they will not be attending school on that morning and/or day.