Dear Parents of Year 5 Children
We sent out a post in December advising that the date for the Year 5 residential visit to Carlton Lodge Outdoor Centre was 4th – 6th June. Unfortunately, it came to light yesterday, that Carlton Lodge had made an error with our booking and we are in fact booked in from 6th – 8th June. Although the management at Carlton Lodge have apologised for this mistake, they are unable to change our booking as they are now full for 4th – 6th June. Please can you therefore amend the date in your diaries and we hope that this new date doesn’t cause you any problems.
Children will attend school on the Wednesday morning and have lunch. Parents are then requested to collect them from school between 12.45 – 1.00 p.m, so that they can then go home and change and then be dropped off at Carlton Lodge by 1.30 p.m. to be met by Mrs Chandler. Arrangements need to be made to collect your child between 1.00 – 1.30 p.m. on the Friday afternoon.
We would just like to remind you that the cost for this visit is £160 per pupil payable via ParentPay. As this is an independent activity centre not run by the Local Authority, payment is required prior to the visit by the end of April. We should be grateful therefore, if payment for the visit could be received by Wednesday, 25th April 2018.
Further details about this visit including a consent form and kit list will be sent out after Easter. However, in the meantime, should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Bacon or Mrs Chandler.