Here are just a few reminders in advance of next week:
- We will be leaving school on Monday 4th June at 8.20am promptly and should be back on Friday 8th June at approximately 4.00pm. Please be at school to collect your child by 4.00pm.
- Attached is a Kit List – the day time activities will all take place outside, so please remember the importance of packing plenty of warm clothing, especially in the form of multiple layers. Extra pairs of warm socks will be essential too. Some plastic carrier bags for dirty boots and washing will also be useful. It would be helpful if a list of suitcase contents was prepared and attached to your child’s case. This will help him/her ensure that all their items are packed at the end of the week. Kit-List
- Please remember to pack at least one stamped addressed postcard, as these can be sent within the first couple of days of arrival.
- As there will be no opportunity to spend any money during the week, apart from when the pupils visit the common room in the evenings, a maximum of £10 spending money will be sufficient. We will be restricting the amount of chocolate and sweet items purchased to no more than two items per evening, although souvenir items will also be on sale (please could you ensure that there is a minimum amount of sweets brought from home).
- It will not be possible for the pupils to use a telephone or mobile phone at East Barnby. However, if you need to speak to me at the centre, the number is 01947 893333. I will be in regular contact with Mrs. Bacon throughout the week and she will contact parents directly if there are any problems.
The week at East Barnby will be so busy for the children that hopefully they won’t have time to be homesick. Please don’t worry about them as they will be looked after with great care by all the staff, and if there are any problems, I will not hesitate to contact you.
If you need to discuss any concerns or clarify any information, please do not hesitate to contact me via email –