On Monday 21st October, we will be having a visit from the’The Big Red Book Bus’.
This is a bus run by ‘The Book People,’ as a shop which contains over 150 books (with 5 copies of each on board). The bus is even equipped with a card machine! For every book purchased, we receive money towards books for our school, too.
We would love it if we could raise money for new and exciting books for children throughout the school, whilst parents/carers get a head start on their Christmas shopping!
There will be the opportunity for parents to browse and purchase books between 8.30am and 9.30am and again from 3.00pm until 4.15pm. As we are anticipating the bus to get very busy after school, we would advise those of you who are able to, to purchase your books in the morning.
The children will be able to browse the books during the school day, however, can we please ask parents/carers not send money in with the children.
Happy book browsing!
Mrs. Rayner