As I am sure you will have seen on the news this evening, the government has now announced that schools will be closed to the vast majority of pupils with effect from this Friday, 20 March until further notice. The exception to this is for children of key workers, who include NHS workers, those in the police and fire service and delivery drivers. We await further clarification of who else this may extend to. If these circumstances apply to your family, please do not hesitate to contact me on to discuss options in further detail.
We understand that these are troubling and worrying times for all. I have been so heartened by the small acts of kindness seen this week, with so many examples of people pulling together to support and help each other. I would urge you to stay safe at this time. Furthermore I would like to reassure you that through these challenging and uncertain times we will do all we can to continue to support our families.
With best wishes
Judi Jackson