Tel. 01347 821767

Easingwold Foodbank Collection w/c 9 November 2020

Dear Parents/Carers
Times are very tough for a lot of families during this pandemic and in the absence of a Harvest Festival collection this year, we would like our school community to make a collection for the Easingwold Foodbank.  We have been provided with a list of specific items that they could really do with right now – see below.
Small tomato ketchup for children

Peanut butter or Chocolate spread


Feminine hygiene towels ( not tampons, we are OK for these)

Deodorant for ladies ( i.e. not men’s type)

Sanitiser hand wash

Powdered mash potato

Small packs of instant dried noodles

Tinned hot dogs

Tinned mild meat dishes (i.e. not chilli or curry – some children don’t like them)

UHT cartons of milk

We should be very grateful for any donations of the above items, week commencing 9th November, and collection boxes will be available outside the school fence near the Parish noticeboard.
Thank you for your support.