Good morning everybody,
We hope that you all had a lovely Bank Holiday weekend and enjoyed VE Day celebrations in the sunshine.
As you will no doubt be aware by now, the Prime Minister announced last night a possible plan that might see specific year groups returning to school after the half term break, from 1 June, for some year groups. He mentioned Reception, Year 1 and Year 6.
We currently have no more information as a school other than what was shared last night during the briefing.
We hope that over the next few weeks further information will be shared with schools in order for us to be able to plan a safe re-opening; we will in turn share this with you. We have as yet had no guidance with regards social distancing, PPE and many other aspects that we will need to consider to enable us to make the provision as safe as we can for children, staff and parents.
Any information will be shared via web posts; as soon as we are in a position to be able to do so.
Should you have any immediate concerns or queries, please do not hesitate to ring me at school or to email:
With best wishes,
Judi Jackson