Good afternoon everybody,
We hope that you all had a lovely weekend. As Friday’s newsletter stated, we are continuing to work through the government guidance relating to the possible reopening of school for some pupils (namely Reception, Year 1 and Year 6) from 1st June at the earliest. We need to ensure that these plans are robust and fit for purpose and that staff have had an opportunity to review and discuss the proposed plans. We will have our plans in place to share with you by the end of the week.
To help us with our forward planning, it would be very useful to know if you are a keyworker parent and would like a place allocated for your child/ren from 1st June onwards. Please contact me on at your earliest convenience and no later than 3pm on Wednesday 20th May 2020. Please note this only applies to families with whom we have not yet already had discussions with about places.
It is very unlikely that we will be in a position to reopen school for all pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 on the same day and we are looking towards a staggered, phased reopening. The government guidance states that if this is the case, the groups should be prioritised as follows – Reception, Year 1 then Year 6.
Should you wish to discuss any aspect of this please do not hesitate to contact us.