Tel. 01347 821767

Year 5 Library Visit 10th March

To parents/carers of children in Year 5,

On Tuesday 10th March, Year 5 have been invited to visit Easingwold Library for the morning. This is a fully funded visit including the use of a minibus. The children will have the opportunity to learn how a library works, understand some history of the library building and choose a book to borrow.

If your child isn’t registered for the library, we would appreciate you giving permission for us to sign them up (free of charge,) to enable them to borrow a book. The library have kindly offered to collect the books from school three weeks after the visit so that every child can enjoy a library book.

Please can you email Mrs Bacon at to give consent for your child to visit the library on 10th March.  In addition, please can you confirm if they are already a member of the library, and if not, whether you give them permission to join or not.

Many thanks for your support,
Mrs L Rayner
(English coordinator)