Tel. 01347 821767

Arrangements for drop off and collection for the new term

Good afternoon,

I hope that you are all enjoying the summer break and managing to make the most of the good weather!  Although the return to school is still two weeks away, I thought now would be a good time to outline the revised start and end of school day arrangements which we are putting in place following the latest government guidance regarding the removal of bubbles in schools.  We hope that this will help you to be able to forward plan for the new term, especially as there are some changes to previous timings for some pupils.


The gates will be opened at 8:50am each morning.   At least two members of staff will be on duty each morning to meet and greet.

Reception (Class 1): Parents are requested to drop their children at the Class 1 outside door and then to exit past the main school entrance.  Children will go straight into their classroom.

Year 1 – 6 (Classes 2, 3 and 4): Parents are requested to drop their child/ren at the bottom playground gate and continue to follow the one way system past Class 1.  Children will enter school immediately and go straight into their classrooms.

Children can arrive on to the school site any time between 8:50am and 9am.  Please note that anyone arriving earlier than 8:50am will not be supervised by school staff.  The gates will be closed at 9am each morning and anyone arriving after this time will need to enter school via the front entrance.


Reception (Class 1): Parents are requested to collect their children at 3:25pm from the Class 1 outside area.

Year 1 – 6 (Classes 2, 3 and 4): Parents can congregate in the staff car park area from 3:25pm.  Children will be dismissed from the playground at 3:30pm.  Any parents with children in both Reception and other classes are requested to collect their Class 1 child first and then return to the car park to wait for the older siblings.  We would ask that where possible, you continue to use the one way system to enable a smooth flow of movement.

We will endeavour to make the handover as swift as possible but please do bear with us!

You are no longer required to wear a face covering, but you are more than welcome to do so if you would feel more comfortable.

**Please note that these arrangements may be subject to change should there be alterations to national or local restrictions.**

Further details will follow before we return to school about other aspects of our operational guidance so that you are fully informed about the plans we have in place for the new term.  We are incredibly excited about the opportunity to have our whole school community back together once again.

Should you have any queries in the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact me.

With best wishes

Judi Jackson