Dear Parents and Carers,
I have been in contact with Public Health today and they have asked me to send out the attached letter: Warn and inform letter 9 11 21
They recommend booking a PCR test as soon as possible if anyone is concerned or thinks their child may have been a close contact. PCR tests can be booked online via this weblink:
If you have any concerns, or if your child receives a positive Covid test result, please contact us as soon as possible:
If anybody in your household is in isolation because they have tested positive for COVID, then it is strongly advised for the child to take a PCR test. If the test is positive they should isolate at home for 10 full days. If the test is negative they can continue attending school; however, if they develop symptoms at any point they should isolate and take another PCR test.
With best wishes
Judi Jackson, Headteacher