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Governing Body Information

Governance at Crayke CofE Primary School

Governors focus on their 3 key roles: vision/ethos and strategic direction, educational performance, and financial management. They are fully supportive of the school but recognise that one of the best ways to do this is by holding it to account for the education and welfare of the pupils. There is a 3 year strategic plan implemented by annual school improvement plans.

There are 12 governors: 2 CofE foundation, 2 parent, 1 LA, 1 Staff, HT, 5 co-opted. Audits indicate a suitable range of skills. Currently 7 governors have children at the school.

The full governing body meets 4 times pa. Usually half of meeting time is focused on discussing the HT’s report. A professional clerk services FGB meetings.

There are 3 committees:

  • HT Performance Management serviced by a professional adviser
  • School Improvement (curriculum, pupil performance, personal development, behaviour and attitudes, Pupil Premium, Catch Up Premium, Sports Premium)
  • Personnel, Premises and Finance (financial performance, value for money, personnel, premises, H&S)

The last 2 committees meet termly. All committees and the FGB cover policy review and implementation. The FGB focuses on safeguarding.

There are designated governors for: safeguarding/child protection,  SEND, looked after children, staff welfare, and 7 governors have subject link responsibilities with the teachers in the school.

Safeguarding: all governors read and sign KCSIE annually, all governors have received additional child protection training, 3 are trained in safer recruitment, all have done Prevent training, the HT includes safeguarding in all her reports to governors and in her formal annual safeguarding report, the school participates in the LA biennial safeguarding audit, and the safeguarding designated governor reviews the single central record with the HT, receives anonymised reports of interventions in CP cases, and conducts twice yearly in school reviews of safeguarding.

Governors regard monitoring and evaluation of impact on school performance as a high priority. The key sources of evidence are:

  • pupil performance data (Insight/NFER/TA/ISDR/FFT) especially PP, SEND and LAC children
  • subject link monitoring visits (subject intent and implementation plans, lesson observations, pupil voice, book scrutiny, staff commentary)
  • HT/staff reports and presentations to the FGB and committees
  • school improvement plan termly impact statements, PP, Catch Up Premium and SP plans and reports
  • LA and diocesan adviser monitoring reports, SIAMS report, Ofsted reports
  • financial monitoring data, premises reports, external H&S reports, governor annual premises inspections, GDPR audits
  • pupil, staff and parent voice including annual parents’ questionnaires
  • HT and staff (anonymised) performance management reports
  • staff and governor CPD reports
  • safeguarding information as outlined above
  • designated and link governor reports

Governors monitor and evaluate their own performance and that of the Chair.

July 2023

You can download a copy of this information by clicking here.

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