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Remote Learning update 12.01.21

Good afternoon everybody,

We hope you are well and enjoying Day 2 of our recorded lessons learning experience.  Here are a few hints which we hope you find helpful:

  • Please remember to access your child’s class page via the school website only.  This remains the case every single time they log in.  If you try to access via google, they will not be able to see their learning videos.  Seeing the tasks without the accompanying videos will make the lessons unnecessarily confusing for them.
  • Children, we know when you have submitted your work so you don’t need to send a “private comment” to say that your task is complete.
  • Keep remembering to check which day your tasks have been assigned to – this will ensure that lessons are completed in the correct order.

We have set up an additional “Whole School” page which is available to access here:

On this page will be resources appropriate for everyone in school including Collective Worship and story sessions.