It will be a difficult Christmas for many families this year and to reflect our Christian values we will be supporting the Yorkmix Radio Toy Appeal for 2022.
While most of us look forward to Christmas there are some children for whom it is just another day. Every year there are families who through no fault of their own dread the thought of the festive season, people who can’t afford to treat their loved ones and won’t be sharing in the Christmas cheer.
This year will be the toughest in living memory for many of us as the cost of living crisis continues to bite and household bills rise.
If you would like to donate a new & unwrapped toy to the YorkMix Toy Appeal, please can you drop this off in school by Friday 9 December. You don’t need to wrap your gifts, the YorkMix elves will do everything for you!
They will be collecting gifts for children of all ages from babies and pre-schoolers who might receive traditional toys and games from the appeal through to teenagers for whom you might consider donating items such as health and beauty products.
We thank you for your support.