Dear Parents/Carers
Please see below the after school clubs that will be running this term from Monday 18 September. All clubs, except for Indoor Multi-Sport, have limited places and these will be allocated on a first come first served basis. Please email Mrs Bacon to book your child’s place (do not reply to this email)
In addition to the after school clubs, Running Club will commence on Monday 18 September at 8.30am and is open to children from all year groups. It will run Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings (not Wednesdays due to staff meeting). If you arrive before 8:30am please stay with your child/ren. We are not able to supervise them before this time. The gate will be locked at 8:35am for safety reasons and there will be no access to Running Club after this time.
* Staff Lead Club
The Junior Duke award is aimed at increasing children’s independence, confidence and resilience whilst giving them a good feeling of achievement on completion. Junior Duke gives children the opportunity to participate in a variety of new experiences. They teach children that it is good to ‘have a go’ and challenge them to learn new and varied skills from an early age. The children will complete a number of age appropriate challenges and these range from First Aid, exercise, domestic challenges, budgeting for packed lunches, fixing a puncture, building a fire, baking, cooking, washing sheets, making PowerPoints and public speaking, knitting, litter-picking….all manner of things!
For further details please visit their website –
Children will need to commit to attending the Junior Duke club each week for the whole academic year.