Tel. 01347 821767

Launch of Jigsaws Before and After School Club

Good afternoon,

Please see attached a letter providing further details about our new Before and After School Club, Jigsaws, launching in September 2024.  We have also attached a registration form to complete should you wish your child to attend. The registration form can be completed either via computer and emailed by return to or on paper and returned to the school office marked FAO Jigsaws – Registration Form. Should you require a paper copy to be provided, please contact me.

Letter and FAQ re Jigsaws Before and After School Club

Jigsaws Before and After School Club Registration form

We know that some parents will be anxious to ensure that their child is able to attend from the first week back in September.  Further information about how to book places will follow next week. If you require direct email confirmation of when booking goes “live”, please email me to request this and we will action this as soon as possible and definitely before the beginning of the new term.

Should you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact me.

Judi Jackson

Headteacher –