Following the details that were distributed on 15 April, we are delighted to inform you that two parents have been nominated for the parent governor vacancy in September. As we only have one vacancy, we will need to hold an election.
We have received nominations from Toby Tsang (Year 2 parent) and Fiona Ankers (Reception parent) and attached are details about the candidates.
ANKERS F Statement in Support of Election
TSANG T Statement in Support of Election
Each parent/carer of a child in school is entitled to vote and we will be sending home ballot papers and details of how to vote with your child/ren on Monday 13 May. If your child/ren are not in school or in the case of separated parents, we will send copies to you in the post.
Should you have any questions about the election, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Bacon or Mrs Jackson.