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Whole School Photograph 21 June 2023 – Action required

Dear Parents/Carers We have been advised that we need to reach a minimum of 25 group photograph orders in order for it to be cost effective for Tempest Photography to transport the rigging and stage to school for our whole school photograph on 21 June.  If they come to school and we do not reach...
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Crayke Chronicle Friday 28 April 2023

Crayke-Chronicle-28.4.23 WORD Crayke-Chronicle-28.4.23 PDF Online Safety – Guide to Wizz
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Apple Class: Request for ‘squirty’ bottles!

Apple Class would be very grateful for any of your spare empty, clean, plastic ‘squirty’ ketchup or mayo bottles for their painting area. Many thanks Mrs Helfferich
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Home School Values – Summer Term 2023

Our special values for this term are RESPECT and FRIENDSHIP. We hope that you will be able to take some time as a family to explore these concepts and complete some of the activities together. HomeSchoolValues-RESPECT HomeSchoolValues-FRIENDSHIP
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CHASA: Crayke Village Market 29 April 2023

CHASA has generously been given the opportunity to run the cafe at this month’s Crayke Farmers Market on Saturday 29th April held at the Sports Hall 10.30-1.30pm. We’ll be selling Bacon Butties, tea coffee and breakfast pastries. All proceeds will directly go to the school and we’d love your help in making it as successful...
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Crayke Chronicle Friday 21 April 2023

Crayke-Chronicle-21.4.23 WORD Crayke-Chronicle-21.4.23 PDF Media Use and Attitudes Report 2023
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Summer Term Clubs 2023

Please see below a link to the Summer Clubs for this term.  If you would like to book your child onto an After School Club, please can you email Mrs Bacon  – (please don’t reply to this email). Summer Term Clubs 2023
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Dinner Money Summer Term 1 (18 April – 26 May 2023)

Dear Parents/Carers Dinner money for the first half of this term (5 weeks and 4 days from 18 April to 26 May less 2 Bank Holidays) is now due for children in Holly and Oak Class. The total amount due is £85.05 and the payment item is set up so that you can make a...
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Clubs this week – correction

Good morning again, Apologies for any confusion – Mark Cromack’s Multi Sports club is tomorrow (Tuesday) and Mrs Rayner’s SATs club is on Wednesday this week! All other clubs, including Running Club start next week. Further details about this term’s club offer will follow later this week. Have a lovely day!
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