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Sports Day – Extra entry time added at 2.15pm

Dear Parents/Carers We have had a few parents ask to join Sports Day later in the afternoon due to work commitments. To try and accommodate these requests, we have added an additional entry time at 2.15pm at the gate into the Apple Class area to the side of the main entrance.  The gate will be...
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School Uniform: update from the Schoolshop

Please see attached useful documents from The SchoolShop who provide our branded uniform items, with last guaranteed ordering dates for the autumn term. Parent_Guardian Update June 22 Schoolshop Customer Handbook  
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Crayke Chronicle Friday 17 June 2022

Crayke Chronicle 17.06.22 WORD Crayke Chronicle 17.06.22 PDF
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CHASA Summer Fair this Saturday!

Raffle Ticket Reminder!   Hopefully you have received raffle tickets in your child’s bookbag for the raffle which will be drawn at the school Summer Fair this Saturday. £1 per ticket (£5 per strip of 5 tickets). If you would like to purchase these, please write your name and number on the tickets and return...
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Robinwood Action Photos

As promised, now that the internet connection is better, please find below a selection of photos taken from across the weekend. What a brilliant, brilliant time we had. Memories were made, challenges were embraced, friendships were strengthened, food was plentiful and sleep was, well, minimal (on the first night at least!)  Our fantastic course leader...
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Final Update from Robinwood

Good afternoon, Final update – we’re just finishing lunch before setting off for the bus. A couple of photos from this morning.  More action photos to follow later today! The children have been an absolute pleasure and we’re so proud of how well they have tackled each activity, grown in confidence and looked after each...
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Breakfast Time!

Happy Sunday morning – Full English anyone? Everyone has slept really well and we’re now getting ready for zip wire, a spot of climbing and canoeing all before lunch!
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Evening Update Robinwood Day 2

What an action packed day! The children have continued to be exceptional. This afternoon’s activities have included: archery, night line, crate challenge, piranha pool and team challenges.  The group have continued to impress and amaze us with their resilience, encouragement, listening skills and general all round loveliness. Here’s a snap shot of this afternoon including...
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Robinwood – Lunchtime update Day 2

Good afternoon, Giant swing and trapeze all done this morning – now for archery!  
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Robinwood Evening Update – Day 1

What a busy afternoon! So far we have done raft building, caving, knight’s quest and dungeon challenge before our evening meal of pizza and ice cream. After dinner it was time for team activities, hot chocolate and a review of the day.  They are currently getting ready for bed. Every adult who has interacted with...
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