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Holly Class: Request for photography props Monday 24 January

Dear Parents/Carers of children in Holly Class On Monday 24 January, Holly class will be learning about Sir Edmund Hilary and Tenzing Norgay’s achievement of being the first to climb Mount Everest.   As part of this lesson, the children will be imagining reaching the summit themselves, including taking a photo using the power of ‘green...
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Year 6 SATS: CGP Papers / SATS Revision Club

Over the coming weeks, Year 6 pupils will be bringing home CGP practice papers in both Mathematics and English. For your information, both sets of papers will be accompanied with an answer booklet, which will assist you in supporting your child. Obviously, this needs to be separated from the practice papers and kept safely –...
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Crayke Chronicle Friday 14 January 2022

Crayke Chronicle 14.01.22 WORD Crayke Chronicle 14.01.22 PDF
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After School Clubs Spring Term 1st half

Good afternoon, As outlined in last week’s newsletter the following clubs are on offer this half term: Monday – STEM Club (FULLY BOOKED) Tuesday – Multi-Sports Club (paper application form coming home and also available below): Friday – GOAL club (book via  
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Crayke Chronicle Friday 7 January 2022

Crayke Chronicle 07.01.22 WORD Crayke Chronicle 07.01.22 – PDF
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Covid Updates – 4 January 2022

Good afternoon, We are looking forward to welcoming pupils back into school tomorrow.  We reviewed our Covid procedures as a staff this morning once again, to ensure that the measures we have in place keep the safety of the whole Crayke community at its heart. We face an uncertain term ahead but I am confident...
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Arrangements for PE w/c 3 Jan 2022

Good afternoon, Happy New Year! We hope that you have had a wonderful and restful Christmas break and are all set for a brand new term back at school. Some Covid reminders will follow under separate cover but in the meantime here are the arrangements for PE for the remainder of this week. Apple –...
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Dinner Money Spring Term 1 (part 1) 5 – 28 January 2022

Dinner money for the period Wednesday 5 January to Friday 28 January (3 weeks and 3 days) is now due for children in Class 3 and Class 4. The total amount due is £48.60 and has been added to your ParentPay account. If you have any credits due these will be applied to your ParentPay...
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Crayke Chronicle Friday 17 December

Crayke Chronicle 17.12.21 – WORD Crayke Chronicle 17.12.21 – PDF
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Holly and Oak Class: Movie Afternoon

Dear Holly and Oak  families, As we head towards the end of term, Holly and Oak Classes will be having a movie afternoon. We haven’t decided on a film yet but it is likely to be PG. Can you let me know if you wish to be informed of the film once we have decided. If I...
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