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Lifestyle 2020 Summer Challenge

Please see message below from North Yorkshire Police regarding a summer challenge: “The challenge is now open to 8-18 year olds who are resident in York or North Yorkshire. Please can you make all your students aware, as it will give them something exciting  to do in the summer holidays and may even win a prize. ...
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End of term arrangements – Friday 17 July 2020

A reminder that the school term will end at the following, staggered times for each group: Reception: 1:45pm – 1:55pm Year 1: 2pm – 2:10pm Year 6: 2:15pm – 2:25pm Keyworkers: 2:30pm Children are allowed to wear non-uniform on the last day of term if they wish.
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99 Club – times table

A huge well done to Eleanor Ward who is the first pupil in Crayke history to join the 99 Club! She has completed 99 times tables questions in only 3 minutes – a huge achievement. I’m really impressed with her – Year 5 watch out, she’s set the standard for you; I hope to reward...
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Mrs Yates’ Recipes

Mrs Yates’ final two recipes for you to try…  
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Sculpture Competition – Winners!

We are delighted to announce the winners of the sculpture competition! Please see the attached poster for details, as well as a montage of all the other entries.  An enormous well done to all the children who entered and thank you to Mrs Bower for coordinating the entries, liaising with the Kunsthuis Gallery and producing...
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Simon Carson Sports Camp 20 – 24 July 2020

Places are filling up fast on next week’s summer camp! The daily programme of activities has been confirmed as follows: Monday – Archery Tuesday – Golf Wednesday – Badminton/Tennis Thursday – Athletics Friday – Multi Sports If you would like to book a place for your child/ren please complete the attached booking form and email...
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Term Dates 2020/2021

Please find attached a calendar outlining term dates for next academic year in both Excel and PDF format.  We hope you find it useful. Crayke CE School Term Dates 2020-2021 Planner Crayke CE School Term Dates 2020-2021 Planner
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Our (Amazon) wishes are coming true!

We are absolutely blown away by the arrival of 75 books in total so far and have been really touched by the kind messages sent along with them. We would like to thank each and every one of you who has donated one or more of these beautiful books to school, or even if you...
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The end of year 2019/20

As we approach the end of what has been a very strange year in school, it is natural to want to seek some sort of closure on the time which has passed.  We would have loved to have seen you all in person, or virtually, and are so disappointed that it has not been possible...
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Easingwold Community Library – Reopening!

We are really pleased to pass on this information from Easingwold Community Library regarding their reopening on Tuesday 21 July. ECL Re-Opening Poster A4 ECL Book Bundles Please also see this poster for further information on this year’s Summer Reading Challenge: Silly Squad flyer colour We hope that as many children as possible will be...
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