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October 12, 2016

Parent Reader Class 2

We are looking for a parent helper to listen to readers one afternoon/part of an afternoon in Class 2.  If anyone feels that they are able to spare a couple of hours each week to listen to the children read, we would be very grateful.  A DBS check will be required but this can be...
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School Photographs Final Reminder

Just a final reminder to say that that all school photograph orders need to be returned to school  by tomorrow morning at the latest, as they will be collected on Thursday afternoon. After that time, orders can be made direct with Lafayette Photography.    
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Head Lice

Unfortunately there are several cases of head lice in school.  Please could all parents check their children and if necessary, take remedial action with the whole family. Remember once a week, take a peek. Click here to open the NHS website with information regarding how to treat head lice.
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