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February 27, 2017

Phonic Games Library

For children in Year 1 who are taking the phonics screening check this year, there will be a selection of phonics games available to “borrow” in the entrance hall from today, to support their work in class. Please remember to sign in and out any game that you borrow.  Any questions, please see Miss Lawrie.
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World Book Day 2017

Just a reminder that we will be celebrating World Book Day this Friday 3rd March.  Please can children bring in a favourite bed-time story, a teddy and come to school in PJ’s, onesies/dressing gowns (suitably warm as it is only March).  They will need to wear school shoes on their feet. Many thanks, we’ll have a...
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Dinner money this half-term

We hope you have all had a good half-term break.  Just a reminder about dinner money due for this half-term for children in Class 3 and 4. Dinner money for this half-term for children in Class 3 will be £63.00 (6 weeks) Dinner money for this half-term for children in Class 4 will be £56.70 (6...
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