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April 24, 2017

Dinner money for this half-term – Summer 2017(1)

Dinner money due for this half-term for children in Class 3 and 4 is £48.30 (5 weeks less 2 days for the training day and May Day Bank Holiday)   Cheques should be made payable to NYCC. If your child/ren have any dinner money credit from last term, you will have received a slip in...
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Year 5 Residential Visit to Carlton Lodge – Payment Reminder

Just a reminder that Year 5 will be visiting Carlton Lodge Outdoor Centre near Thirsk for their usual two night residential  from the 5th – 7th June at a cost of £160 per pupil.  As this is an independent activity centre not run by the Local Authority, payment is required prior to the visit by the end...
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Year 1 and 2 Fun Run – Wednesday 26th April

Just to remind you that children in Year 1 and 2 have been invited to take part in a Fun Run on Wednesday afternoon – 26th April – at Easingwold Secondary School (copy letter attached). If you haven’t already done so, please can you return your consent form and voluntary contribution towards the cost of...
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Welcome Back to the Summer Term…

I hope you all had an enjoyable Easter holiday.  Please remember that today (24/04/2017) is a staff training day; children will return to school tomorrow. Mrs. Chandler will be running a Y6 revision session after school on Thursday (normal homework club timings).  Multi-sports and martial arts will take place this week; all other staff led...
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