The theme of today’s message is all things book related. Some parents have asked about the possibility of collecting reading books from school. Unfortunately we just aren’t able to do this, as much as we would like to be able to. Instead, we have some suggestions to get you going.
OXFORD OWL – – Mrs Walsh has kindly provided the following information to help: “Register for an account and log in. Please note that once you have signed up, you need to activate your account by following a link that will be emailed to you. This may go to your Junk mail so be sure to check there too! You can access the free e-book library at the following link: Books can be filtered by age, level, type or series.” Mrs Walsh’s top tip is that restricting the age is the best way of finding appropriate books.
PHONICS PLAY – – This site is currently free to access and also contains a link to some free decodable comics which may be good fun!
AUDIO BOOKS – Audio books are great and can be accessed in a variety of ways including via the Audible app. You may also like to know that David Walliams is making a story available each day at 11am via his website
CLASSROOM SECRETS – Mrs Rayner says “Classroom Secrets have prepared some learning packs, which are available to download onto a PC or view on other devices. These include practical ideas as well as worksheet-based activities for children from Reception to Year 6. These can all be found at:
We are sure that you will have some ideas or websites that you have come across too. If you are able to share these by “commenting” on webposts it will help others too! Comments do need to be approved before going public so don’t worry if they don’t appear straight away. Commenting on posts is also a great way to keep everyone connected so please get reading, get sharing and keep in touch. Stay safe everyone and have a happy sunny Tuesday.
Hi all,
At my school we use a maths scheme called White Rose Maths. At you can enter the year group and it will show you the curriculum by term and the resources are free.
Hope this is of help.
You have pre-empted tomorrow’s Maths themed post – thank you!
Literacy shed – This is a great resource for inspiring writers. There are numerous short videos which have associated writing tasks.
Always watch them first as some are a bit spooky and aimed at older children.
Thank you – great resource!
Thanks for the links! Year 1 are trying a Zoom video ‘chat and share’ tomorrow at 1pm! Hoping they will love seeing each other and taking it in turns to talk. I will let you know how it goes, but I’ve seen a lot of people using Zoom as a way to video chat.
What a good idea! Let us know how it goes.