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January 4, 2022

Covid Updates – 4 January 2022

Good afternoon, We are looking forward to welcoming pupils back into school tomorrow.  We reviewed our Covid procedures as a staff this morning once again, to ensure that the measures we have in place keep the safety of the whole Crayke community at its heart. We face an uncertain term ahead but I am confident...
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Arrangements for PE w/c 3 Jan 2022

Good afternoon, Happy New Year! We hope that you have had a wonderful and restful Christmas break and are all set for a brand new term back at school. Some Covid reminders will follow under separate cover but in the meantime here are the arrangements for PE for the remainder of this week. Apple –...
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Dinner Money Spring Term 1 (part 1) 5 – 28 January 2022

Dinner money for the period Wednesday 5 January to Friday 28 January (3 weeks and 3 days) is now due for children in Class 3 and Class 4. The total amount due is £48.60 and has been added to your ParentPay account. If you have any credits due these will be applied to your ParentPay...
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