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Reception Baseline Assessment (Class 1 Parents & Carers)

On 11th April 2018, the Department for Education confirmed that the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) has been chosen as the supplier to design and deliver the new reception baseline assessment (RBA). It will be an activity-based assessment of pupils’ ability in: Communication, language and literacy Early mathematical skills The aforementioned baseline assessment will...
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Class 2 Forest Schools Sessions

Class 2 will be having ‘Forest Schools’ sessions lead by Mrs. Helfferich & Mrs. Walsh on Thursdays starting tomorrow (04/09/19).  These lessons will be linked to the children’s topic and will take place throughout the autumn term. The weather forecast for tomorrow is dry with partial sun, however, please can you ensure that your child/ren...
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Earrings in Physical Education Lessons

Please see the attached letter about earrings in PE lessons – if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Earrings in Physical Education Lessons
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Achievement Assembles Autumn Term 2019 (first half)

Here are the dates for this half-terms Achievement Assemblies. Friday 4th October – Class 4 Thursday 10th October  – Class 3 Friday 18th October  – Class 2 Friday 25th October – Class 1
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After School Clubs Autumn Term 2019

Please see below a list of After School Clubs for the Autumn Term 2019. Monday: Choir run by Mrs Halliday for Years 3/4/5/6 3.15pm – 3.45pm. Registration required. Tag Rugby run by Mr Buttery for Years 4/5/6 3.30pm – 4.15pm. Tuesday: Run a Mile Club run by Mr Buttery for children from any year group...
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Dinner Money Autumn Term (first half) Class 3 and 4

Dinner money for this half term for children in Class 3 and Class 4 is £103.35 (7 weeks and 4 days).  All dinner money to be paid via your ParentPay account as usual. Just to remind you that, following the letter that went out earlier in the summer term (link below), the cost of school...
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Reading Newsletter – Autumn Term 2019

Please see the attached Reading Newsletter.  This termly publication will feature lots of information and suggestions for children in all year groups at Crayke Church of England Primary School. Crayke Reading Newsletter Autumn 2019 (Word) Crayke Reading Newsletter Autumn 2019 (PDF)  
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Swimming Lessons Class 4 only

Children in Class 4 will start their swimming sessions on Tuesday 17th September for an eight week period (except for 1st October when there will be no lessons). They will be attending Thirsk Swimming pool for a half hour session between 10.30am and 11.00am for five weeks prior to half term and three weeks after....
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Tempest Photographs Ready for Collection

If you ordered a photograph from Tempest at the end of the summer term, these are now ready for collection in the school office.
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Children to return to school on Tuesday 3rd September

Apologies for the error which stated children will return to school on Tuesday 2nd – this should have read Tuesday 3rd… The original post has now been amended…
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