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Homework Club CANCELLED this Thursday 13th June

Mrs Chandler won’t be in school this Thursday and with Mr Buttery being at East Barnby, there will be no Homework Club/Play Rehearsal this Thursday 13th June.  This will resume next Thursday 20th June.
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East Barnby 2019 – Day Two Update

The children slept well last night and are looking forward to today’s activities. Please see below for a picture of yesterday’s body boarding; and yes it was as cold as it looks… As a result of the rather inclement weather, today’s planned programme (sailing and climbing) will be replaced with woodland activities. Regardless of the...
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East Barnby 2019

Our Year 6’s have arrived at East Barnby; their beds are made (a challenging task for some) and everyone is looking forward to their evening activities. There could be some amendments to the planned programme of activities, due to the forecast of heavy rain… Day Two Update: The children slept well last night and are...
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Carlton Lodge Update

Please see below an update and photo from Mrs Chandler received this morning – ‘We had an amazing day yesterday, the weather was gorgeous and we particularly loved our time kayaking on the lake!  All the children slept soundly and we’re ready for a big breakfast in preparation for the high ropes today! Looking forward...
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East Barnby

I would like to make parents/carers aware that as I am accompanying Crayke’s Year 6 pupils to East Barnby next week, there will be no Touch Rugby or Run a Mile clubs. In addition, the next Crayke Chronicle will not be posted until Friday 21st June.
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Carlton Lodge 2019 – Year 5

Please find below an update and photograph  received from Mrs. Chandler last night: All here safely and having a great time! Tea was great and the children are now getting ready for the scavenger hunt tonight! Everyone is looking forward to tomorrow’s activities – archery, the climbing wall and kayaking/raft building.
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Ghana Footwear Appeal

We are once again supporting the Ghana Footwear Appeal, which  also includes a request for Early Years children’s story books and mobile phones.  Please see the attached poster for more details. Please can all items be brought into school during week commencing 8th July for collection at the end of that week. PLEASE HELP –...
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Year 6 East Barnby Residential (10th–14th June)

The Year 6 residential week at East Barnby is fast approaching and I’m sure everyone will be looking forward to it.  Here are just a few reminders: We will be leaving school on Monday 10th June at 8.20am promptly and should be back on Friday 14th June at approximately 4.00pm. Attached is a Kit List – the...
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Year 5 Visit to Carlton Lodge 5th – 7th June 2019

Here are just a few reminders for the Year 5’s residential that starts tomorrow: Children will attend school on the Wednesday morning and have lunch.  Parents are then requested to collect them from school between 12.45 – 1.00pm; so that they can then go home and change and then be dropped off at Carlton Lodge...
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Reminder: KS1 Swimming Starts This Week

Just a reminder that children in Class 1 and Class 2 start their 6 week course of swimming lessons from this Thursday 6th June.  All the details are included in the attached letter which was distributed in the children’s book bags before half-term.  If you haven’t already done so, please can you return your consent...
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