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Dinner Money Summer Term 2019 (2nd half)

Dinner money for the summer term – second half – will be due week commencing 3rd June for children in Class 3 and Class 4. Class 3 – Years 3 and 4 The total amount due is £87.50, which is for 7 weeks. Class 4 – Year 5 The total amount due is £80.00, which...
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Reminder Year 5 Parents: Carlton Lodge Meeting this Thursday

Just a reminder to parents of children in Year 5, that Mrs Chandler will be holding a meeting about the forthcoming residential visit to Carlton Lodge after school this Thursday 23rd May.
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Homework Club and School Council CANCELLED next Thursday 23rd May

Just a reminder that both Homework Club and School Council are cancelled next week due to the Carlton Lodge parent meeting taking place straight after school next Thursday 23rd May.
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School Dinner Money Increase from September 2019

Please see the attached letter detailing the increase in the cost of school dinners from September 2019: Dinner money increase  
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Sun protection and water bottles

With the arrival of sunny weather it is really important that each child brings a water bottle to school. We have a water cooler for the children to access fresh water, however, it is unhygienic to provide cups in school.  Please ensure the water bottle is clearly named. Also be mindful of our south facing...
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Letter from the Chair of Governors

Please see the attached letter from Hugh Porter (Chair of Governors): Mr. Buttery  
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End of SATS Celebrations – Class 4 Only

As the last SATs assessment is on Thursday 16th May, we have decided to hold a “party” afternoon on Friday 17th May. Children can bring their own clothes to change into after lunch – if they would like to bring some party music or DVDs (only U rated original films) that would be fine. No...
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Key Stage 2 Battle of the Bands – The Results!

It has been great to see so many children taking part in our ‘Battle of the Bands’ on Times Table Rockstars. Children in Year 3 battled against children in Year 4 and the results are…… Year 3 – 9,417 coins Year 4 – 15,194 coins Children in Year 5 battled against children in Year 6...
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Dinner Money Reminder

Just a reminder that as we are now 2 weeks into this half-term (if you haven’t already done so) please can you settle your dinner money payment as soon as possible (only 2 weeks remaining). Many thanks
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Car Parking Outside School

Just a quick reminder of the system for parking in the lay-by.  There are three lanes in the lay-by – the lane nearest to the main road and the shrub border, together with the middle lane, is for staff and visitor parking.  The third lane nearest to the pavement is allocated for parents to drive...
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